Mistress Member
I was in the grocery store today, and I was simply flabergasted by all of the 'imitation meat' products that I saw! Maybe I have been living under a rock lately, but I just feel that that particular market has exploded. I mean really... I understand being vegetarian and all, and I honestly think that that way of life is healthier....but do you really need to eat food that is modeled after meat? What ever happened to some good old beans??? It's not even like convienence can totally explain it. I mean, its one thing to eat soy protein slices on your sandwich, its another to eat a 'tofurky' club with 'facon' that has red stripes painted on it. I say, if you want meat that bad...just eat it!
Thoughts from the vegetarians (and omnivores alike)?
Thoughts from the vegetarians (and omnivores alike)?