Well-Known Member
To me, it seems as though there is a larger portion of BHM's on this board versus FFA's. I would presume this to be multi-faceted as to why this would be. The stigma attached to anyone who is attracted to something considered contrary to societal norms and acceptability would likely be attributable. From what I've noted, just in social situations, is that for many guys to like "thick" girls or even fat girls, is perfectly normal and not seen as taboo. However, I don't generally know too many girls that say they want a thick man.I do know some, unaware that they are, FFA so that skews my personal attributions a tad. Although, I know plenty of girls that say they like some meat on their man's bones and don't like skinny or muscular guys. For some reason, this seems acceptable. I'd venture to say there are likely a large percentage of closeted FFA's that lurk on here that are afraid to come out of hiding or profess their taste due to social constraints or perceptions that something is wrong with them because of their desire of a fleshier person. What are your thoughts?