I am a real newbie here but not to the realization that maybe I should start loving myself ,apron n all!!! I had hated my big belly for yrs. yo yo for 40 yrs. Now I am very sexually aroused when I go on all these awesome sites im starting to see that maybe I need to gain weight for a change!!!! I weigh 215 lbs was down to 140 just a few months ago. fibromyalgia has kept me out of work very sedentary now. I am being treated for depression. Maybe this could be a side effect??? I am now hyperaroused, masterbating as much as 5xs a day. I think my hubby is a fat admirer, but im sooooo worried about telling him the truth. this has been happening for about a wk but I think maybe deep down inside I want to get fat but no more that 300 lbs, Please reply thank u