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Wilma's Willpower - Observer (~BBW, Eating, Romance, ~MWG )

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW, Eating, Romance, ~MWG - an average school girl finds acceptance and success in life

Wilma’s Willpower
by the Observer

Wilma had will power – at least through high school. She was a cheerleader wanna be even though she never made the team. She would eat just enough cold cereal (never the sugary kind) to quiet her belly, then typically a salad and taco for lunch. Sodas – even diet drinks were taboo, along with tea and coffee. She wasn’t a great student but never got a D or F. She just never considered herself college material. She had good enough looks to get dates, but nothing serious ever developed. She remained an average student with a trim figure.

Out of high school she had several minimum wage jobs, starting with an independent fast food outlet called Larry’s. Like most such places they had a food allowance based on hours worked, and Wilma’s work was satisfactory and she always showed up on time. This reliability insured her of a full workweek and maximum food allowance - .75 an hour, or $6.00 a day.

$6.00 goes a long way in fast food – especially if you’re not spending it on sodas or tea. You wind up eating burgers, fried chicken and Mexican dishes, all of which Larry had, and so did Wilma. Most of the workers at Larry’s were teens or retired folk, there for 3 hours at a time. But Wilma had enough hours for two complete meals – easily 1800 calories a day, more than her entire diet in high school. And she still had breakfast and supper at home.

You can guess what happened with Wilma. Even though she was on her feet much of the day her once skeletal thighs began to fill out and become more rounded as the weeks flew by. Her ribs disappeared under a new layer of soft flesh. Her once concave belly and cheeks filled in. After eight months and about twenty pounds she finally began to take notice, but had no motivation to change. She’d become acclimated to her new eating style, and she’d never cared about being thin anyway. Her high school habits were mostly about being accepted in a crowd that had now moved on to other things.

After she had been there a year and another ten pounds she was given a raise and made a shift supervisor – which raised her food allowance to $1.00 per hour. That allowed her to add two milkshakes or other sweet dessert to her routine. Wilma liked the special flavors such as mango and pineapple, as well as the pastries like bearclaws and éclairs. Now she could have them – for free!

By the end of her second year Wilma was no longer just average or even chunky – she was over 180 pounds and definitely fat. But since she was a supervisor and did her job well no one cared. She was considerate of her workers and thorough in her training. Her shift had fewer hours and less turnover than any other. Customer feedback and secret shopper reports confirmed that her team was the best – and they all got bonuses. Wilma got a promotion to Assistant Manager.

Managers are paid salaries and don’t get food allowances, which meant no more free food. But Wilma now had enough to make or buy her own. Wilma by now was used to eating well, and she didn’t really feel badly about her body because she had the recognition and acceptance she needed at work. What she wanted was not to eat less, but someone to eat with.

At the request of Larry’s she enrolled in a class in Restaurant Management, where she met Bill Stevens. Bill was a manager too, but for a family restaurant chain. He recognized in Wilma a hard and dedicated worker, serious about what she did. He was also an FA, and thought Wilma’s developing love handles were as lovely as her nascent double chin. He suggested that they should explore area restaurants together once a week. Wilma was more than willing.

Bill was older than Wilma by about five years and making twice as much. He introduced her to serious dining and foods she’d never known. With his encouragement she took up an interest in cooking and found him an appreciative diner.

Of course she continued to expand. Her belly exploded into a complete muffin top and began to slightly hang. Her never tiny breasts went up several sizes, and her hips became like comfortable pillows. The filled out cheeks of her round face blended seamlessly into her fully-developed second chin. She was in love with food and it agreed with her.

Two years and fifty pounds later she found total acceptance as he proposed.

Wilma today seldom eats fast food. Her husband oversees a district of twenty restaurants, which daily have an off-menu “Manager’s Special,” creative dishes done in rotation with frequent changes. She is the unofficial menu consultant behind Bill’s ever surprising selections. Her weight leveled off around 270, but it doesn’t matter. Unlike high school, she doesn’t just have acceptance – she’s queen of the kingdom.

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