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  1. C

    Iron deficiency/anemia

    i remember being taught that copper is needed to process iron into blood. over here its difficult to find supplements that include copper or other micro-nutrients
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    experiences with back pain

    try looking up sciatica specific exercises. I've had mild sciatica for 2 years now (injury caused) and the simple exercises feel like hell but for about an hour after i don't hurt My favourite means leaning on a door frame or wall and sliding into an invisible chair and up again about 5 times...
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    Disruption of biological clocks causes neurodegeneration, early death

    So that year working nights was oaky. The next doing mixed shifts not so much. But since we all wake our teenagers up before noon and they are programed to sleep long and late that means we're all damaged before we finish school.
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    Random health related "confessions"

    Finally had my ultrasound. I was really hoping that they'd see something but nope. Just PCOS. So now I've had that lovely random pain; the one intermitant one that gets worse when i'm cold, tired or stressed; for nearly a year. Since the drs have decided i'm fine it must be an allergy to...
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    Random health related "confessions"

    I've found that natrual live yogurt is just as good as a probiotic, at least for sorting out after antibiotics. Be careful to investigate the dosage for aloe vera it varies with the plant and yourself. I've taken fresh chunks as a soother and found it great, my freind with IBS had too much...
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    I Am Struggling With Depression

    a work-life balence is different for everone, for me its like a food-heat balence; i don't have enough money for all i want of both so i havew to balence it. with work-life its enough time and work (like food) always wants more than its share. I've got to get the time to clean house...
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    A Little Too Much Tylenol Each Time Can Be Deadly

    there wasa simlar article in the UK. Staggered overdose of paracetemol, particulay during flu season. It has been commented that many over the counter remedies (lemsip ect) contain painkillers.
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    Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome

    i don't know if this willhelp anyone but i've been reading this bog for awhile now http://www.incyst.com/2011/11/who-is-best-pcos-expert-you-are-best.html like the forum it helps me to feel informed and not alone. NHS treatment of PCOS in the uk seems to consist of giving you very little...
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    Finding Good Food

    I'mnot very good at sticking to it but I found it really helpful to grow fresh salad,the intresting kind not just lettuce leaves. If I rember to keep about 4 pots on the go i can have greens with every meal and it makes a huge difference. Supermarkets over in the uk started selling lettuce trays...
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    How do you handle stress?

    i get ill. It makes my already funky body clock go off the rails. after seeing 4am way to many times i had to teach myself the stuff i did as a kid. Sing, shout; at a wall or an empty room if possible Write, poetry; usually after my voice has gone. I used to write poetry as a kid and...
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    Quitting Smoking

    i don't know if this is any use to you guys across the pond but here on the nhs you can get pills to help you stop. As i understand it they make you sick when they react with nicotine. My colegue has recently given up even though i'm not sure she really wanted to but it helped that we stopped...
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    On alcohol, drinking, and depression

    While i admit that i didn't know so many drinkers were alcholic i do think that the correct dosage varies drastically from person to person. A regular at work takes 1/2bottle of whiskey every day, he walks a 3 mile trip to get it because his family disaprove, much younger folk than he are on a...
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    Random health related "confessions"

    BubbleButBee thankyou for your support. I've made an appointment, with a female Dr this time, hopefully i can get some more information this time. I think I'm going to take your advise in on a card so when I start to give up I can read it again :)
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    My mother has an old tricycle whith a grocery backbox and after the trouble we ahd getting the old tiers off and knowing how bad her local road is for glass we got http://greentyre.co.uk/ no more punctures but expensive. I don't know how good they'd be for not getting squished but the people on...
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    The daily exercise report thread!!

    Sunday - day 1 Its been ages since I've done any exercise (stacking shelves does not count) so ithought i'd start with callinetics. warm up; nice and familer stomach stuff; i forgot that this makes me feel sick... onwards legs standing; well inspight of the lightheadedness i get now i still...
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    Random health related "confessions"

    I know I'm making up excusses not to go see Dr. I'm fairly sure its because I'm scared they'll say I'm fine, again. I know I should remind them that spottign should not last 9 months, I know I should tell that the intermittant pain I thougth was part of all those kidney infections is still there...
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    What keeps you Motivated to Exercise?

    I'm hoping the daily exercise report will :) I know I enjoy my callinetics and yoga but i don't seem to have the energy when in a working week. Motivation can be difficult to grasp.
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    The show your face/introduction thread

    Name: Tymmathi Age: 27 in a few days Location: north Wales Profession: err i work as a shop assistant. Music: anything but rap, really is mode dependant Likes: Cats, books, my man, films. The good days. Rembers Liking; Kayaking, walking, climbing, cycling and jumping around. The feeling of...