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  1. formerking

    FA Biophysics Project

    Yep this estimator passes the fundamental correctness criterion namely the correctness in dimensions (no pun intended). The right answer must be proportional to a volume and yours is. Because of that your formula applies to a greater range of data.
  2. formerking

    FA Biophysics Project

    Interesting topic. Here are my 2 cents: Bodyweight is approximately proportional to to the volume (not totally exact because of different tissue densities but it is a good approximation). The volume is proportional to the average cross-section area times the length L of the person. The area...
  3. formerking

    NYC Weekend!

    The Big Apple. A rotting feast for the mice and rats?
  4. formerking

    London Jan 13th...PICS!!!

    Looks like you had a lot of fun, which should help with the naturalization in Europe. Best wishes.
  5. formerking

    Congratulations Laura (ThatFatGirl) and Gottfried (Formerking)

    That's right, TFG and I reached the highest degree of togetherness officially, despite the reality of a significant geographic distance. But we are working on such details. Thank goodness and thanks to all you wonderful people who are wishing us well.
  6. formerking

    Why are BBWs SO CHEAP!!!?

    I have not noticed such a correlation between BBW and cheapness. However, in the plus-size department there are less clothes to choose from. In addition, a manufacturer will predominantly strive to offer clothes for the day-to-day needs before venturing on the high end fashion. And who would...
  7. formerking

    I'm doing fine

    That is wonderful news and bodes well for a happy New Year. Congratulations!
  8. formerking

    I need a bit of help from you guys

    If a relationship starts out with one (just one) being asked to perform life altering decisions then something is wrong. What will he bring to the table? Well food so he says. But he could stop doing that any time without any consequences for him while you would have to bear a heavy burden for a...
  9. formerking

    Computer question...

    and thank goodness that we have at least that little.
  10. formerking

    Are you religious?

    The higher intelligence does not explain anything but is merely another term for the great unknown. My reasoning is as follows: The universe by definition is all there is. Therefore, if there is a higher intelligence must be part of the universe. But something which is part of an unexplained...
  11. formerking


    Wow Not burritos from chipotle I guess....:confused: those are substantial.
  12. formerking

    Squashing commercial

    Love this! I often rode the bus in my previous life in Europe, strangely, never with two fat girls on my lap. Not even one.
  13. formerking

    Exciting developments...

    Your news is well received here one inch at a time.
  14. formerking

    Requirement of space ...not a waste of Space...

    Yeah you have one of the smaller asses in this group, but you get a bonus for the scientific approach. :)
  15. formerking

    Requirement of space ...not a waste of Space...

    Absolutely adorable. Praise to the saddle bags.
  16. formerking

    when does a womans belly begin to hang.

    So very much to the FAs delight.
  17. formerking

    Size 20 Catwalk Model

    I saw Velvet on TV doing the catwalk. She looked absolutely fabulous. Her thighs! If such a sight does not lure a FA out of the closet, then he'd be better locked up in it forever.
  18. formerking

    Its official.....

    Wish you guys the best luck. It won't be easy, but it can and has been done.
  19. formerking

    No sight more precious than a big girl eating french fries

    Agreed - Even better. Also sexy: Fat girl eating ripe and super-juicy strawberries with lots of whipped cream (the real stuff, not from a spray can).