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  1. Keb

    Anti-Abortion Legislation About Control -- Just Like Rape

    Nor should a person's life be subject entirely to the whims of her mother. If you believe that the fetus/embryo is a person, then it necessarily follows that abortion is causing the death of a person intentionally. The only instances where that is justified in our society are self defense (hence...
  2. Keb

    Anti-Abortion Legislation About Control -- Just Like Rape

    And the abolitionist movement of the early 1800s was as much about property as theft is about property.
  3. Keb

    Virgin Roll Call

    Well, still here, and a month past 31, to boot. 40 yo status, here I come...
  4. Keb

    Why men are preferring video games to women

    It's a chance for a guy to show that he's a guy, kind of like when the guys stay out shoveling snow long after a sufficient path's been cleared and all the women have gone inside for hot chocolate. (I've seen this happen.) It is a display of leadership, fearlessness, and similar things that make...
  5. Keb

    Why men are preferring video games to women

    Also, yay, hugs! *hugs Mack*
  6. Keb

    Why men are preferring video games to women

    In general, yes. I think it especially applies to FAs and fat women, though. (And I think it's fair to reverse the gender roles in the case of FFAs and fat men, and dump them entirely in the gay community, for obvious reasons.) I'm an old-fashioned girl in a lot of ways, and I freely own...
  7. Keb

    Why men are preferring video games to women

    Just a thought, but it seems like a lot of the men who drop out of the game or whine that they can't get a girl are maybe aiming too high, too. And while looks play into the preferences of both sexes, appearance-related rejection is much, much more significant for girls than for most guys. While...
  8. Keb

    Why men are preferring video games to women

    Well, hang on--games and computer time are connecting people from around the world in a way that they weren't connected previously. When I think about Australia or the Netherlands, I think about individuals I know, some quite intimately, who live in those places--even if we've never met IRL...
  9. Keb

    Why men are preferring video games to women

    I kinda fantasize about playing Mario Kart for sexual forfeits, Victorian-style. But I'm a weird girl. I also wish those guys opting out would give me a chance.
  10. Keb

    Guns in bars and restaurants? You must be out of your damn mind

    Absolutely. In fact, so long as I had reason to believe that they were all law-abiding citizens, I'd feel safer. But maybe the gun owners I know are different from the ones you do.
  11. Keb

    Conservatives and abortion

    Thanks for the response, AS. I don't have much to say in rebuttal (since seriously, the arguments I've made have been made over and over anyway; I'm not expecting to change anyone's mind on the issue itself), except to your first point...and to that I say that there is a large ethical difference...
  12. Keb

    Conservatives and abortion

    Basic biology. While there are amazing physical changes from the zygote stage to birth, the DNA of a new and separate person is created at conception when the DNA information from the parents' haploid cells is combined. That DNA doesn't exist before then, and doesn't change afterwards. With the...
  13. Keb

    Canadian Medicine Works

    I think the reason that American Health Care is messed up is actually threefold: 1. a malpractice justice system that requires medical providers to buy scads of insurance and adopt some wasteful and possibly unecessary rules in self-defense (raising their costs, or even discouraging them from...
  14. Keb

    Conservatives and abortion

    My beliefs don't change what the growing human being fundamentally is. And while I am Christian, and I can't say that my religious views don't affect my beliefs about abortion, my argument for the personhood of humans in utero is based in science rather than theology. I like your argument for...
  15. Keb

    Conservatives and abortion

    I'd like to suggest that the title of this thread is intentionally inflamatory and possibly a breach of the rules of Hyde Park. Anti-abortion would have been neutral. I also suspect that a similarly named thread in the reverse would never survive here. There are a -lot- of people who genuinely...
  16. Keb

    The Word "Retard": Stop Using It...

    I don't like the use of that word, either, but words that are now seen as mostly harmless like "stupid," "dumb," "foolish," and several others once were used to refer to people with various disabilities or mental health issues. Words change in their usage over time, and fighting this may be a...
  17. Keb

    OMG look at this nice ad pic of the Pine Sol lady!

    Hey, I dress up a little to clean. I've got a sweet apron and everything. It makes it more fun.
  18. Keb

    Police defend arrest of 11-year-old over drawing

    Some of the kids I tutor have come up with violent fantasies in their writing or violent sketches/doodles. Knowing the kids as well as I do, I don't in the least think that it means the kids themselves are likely to go postal on anyone; it's a way of expressing their emotions. School is...
  19. Keb

    Embarrassing numbers for USA

    I'm not defending certain recent wars, but the US does provide significant military defense for other nations that have "chosen" other priorities. (Japan comes to mind--with its almost complete reliance on US defense due to their post-WWII constitutionally imposed -- admittedly at the behest of...