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  1. Lexi

    Finally a Rainbow for me

    It has been a very long time since I have even felt well enough to type.I have been through major pain that is to intense to even imagine. The loss of my total mobility was the final straw. However due to some creative thinking by my family and caretakers we were able to rid ourselves of the...
  2. Lexi

    Back Amongst The Living

    Thanks so much. You have been a great source of support to me as you know. Thanks also to all of you here at Dimensions.I get stronger everyday with the help of my friends
  3. Lexi

    Back Amongst The Living

    Thank you and Happy Holidays to you
  4. Lexi

    Back Amongst The Living

    Hi everyone! I am back in the land of the living.It has been a long journey and I am far from the end of the road where I wish to be. However, I am somewhat functioning again on a near daily basis. I am still bedridden. It seems the more weight I lose the more bedridden and immobile I become...
  5. Lexi

    Great News-update

    Well, it has been a very long haul to get to this spot that I am right now. I want to thank all my friends here at Dimensions for helping me out.I have been sticking to my Medifast diet(sorry for the use of that word) since June first and have lost well over 120 lbs. I will know exacyly how much...
  6. Lexi

    Mattress Sets and Sturdy Beds

    The best Mattress I have ever owned and at my size they do not last to long is Reflexion by Sealy.It is a latex matress and holds up really well. I was going through beds every three months before I found this Mattress.Depending on your weight their heavy duty box spring might work with it. For...
  7. Lexi

    Relationships with NON-FA

    Hey Em I was just talking to a girlfriend about this the other evening. I have been in mostly relationships with Non FA's. However I was in one or two with FA's. The ones with FA's always were disasterous.I found that I had to live up to what their vision of a Fat Lady was and not my own...
  8. Lexi

    Update on My Situation

    First I would like to thank everyone for their continued show of support for my situation. I have been going through a lot of changes lately. Some good some bad. All working towards a goal of becoming more mobile. I am happy to say that on June 1st I began a diet called Medifast.My weight on...
  9. Lexi


    I found what you had to say very interesting. Recently as many of you know I found my way reaching past 700 lbs.I have been married for the last 5 years to a non FA.He calls himself a LL(Lexi Lover) He does not like my size at all. Not because I am fat, but because he has seen how it has...
  10. Lexi

    Help desperately needed for one of our own!

    Thank you for the information. I wrote to him and I also forwarded it throughthe dr phil show.. So far no answer.
  11. Lexi

    In memory of Biochick/Finduilas

    I miss her too. She was a very kind and compassionate lady and a good friend to many. Lexi
  12. Lexi

    WHY do I *HATE* Doctors??????????????

    Hi Sandie, I have had my share of doctor issues lately. I totally understand how you feel. If you ever need to vent I have an open ear. Hugs Lexi
  13. Lexi

    Help desperately needed for one of our own!

    Actually about 12 years ago I had a surgery at that hospital and back then they did okay with my size. I figured they could again accomodate me and before going to Florida Hospital in Orlando Ciar drove up to Shands with my photo and a brief medical synopsis.They sent him to 5 different places...
  14. Lexi

    Help desperately needed for one of our own!

    Hi Steve, yes of course I remember you. You kept me company in many lonely times. I do appreciate that. I do hope to get thhe chance to meet you. My situation is much the same. However my medical condition worsened this past week. My blood pressure has dropped dangerously lowmaking me very...
  15. Lexi

    As good a place as any, yeah?

    Hi there H U G :) Welcome
  16. Lexi

    Help desperately needed for one of our own!

    Thank you very much I will check that out right now. Much appreciated. Lexi
  17. Lexi

    Help desperately needed for one of our own!

    Here is an update on my situation as of today. I appreciate all of the great suggestions and help that has come my way.Some really good things have come out of it. One of the best things are the new friendships I have made. I want to thank you for all the comments,questions,criticism that...
  18. Lexi

    Help desperately needed for one of our own!

    Hi there, Thank you very much. Yes I would love to talk with her. My email address is [email protected] they can reach me on aim at nosass123 or yahoo at bbwlexi thanks
  19. Lexi

    Help desperately needed for one of our own!

    Hi Tracey you are a sweety ! Thank you so much for thinking of me.This started off to be a really bad day but your good wishes have made it better. Lexi
  20. Lexi

    Help desperately needed for one of our own!

    Hi Kara I finally got in touch with the right person and in turn she set me up to talk to someone who put me in touch with someone and then she put me in touch with a lady that I am going to talk t o on Wednesday morning. Its a long shot but I have seen longshotss pay off well bbefore!